
All of our products are based on high standards of quality and blending the best mix of materials to ensure that high temperature testing can continually and consistently be carried out within the Almath brand of crucibles and refractory products.

We ship our products across the world hand have a no hassle policy with regard to returns and replacements, as we are so sure of the quality of our crucibles. We manufacture and supply direct to customers and with 1000’s of standard crucibles and refractory products held in stock, we have a wide range of Porcelain crucibles and all come marked with the Almath logo. We offer a range of extended services including laser engraving and custom made products. Please get in touch to find out more.

Material Properties

Porcelain classic shaped crucibles in high, medium and low form, glazed on the inside and out, except on the bottom. Withstands temperature to 1150°C (2102°F).

To prevent thermal stress cracks, a heating/cooling rate not exceeding 200°C per hour is strongly recommended.

  • DATA MEASUREMENTS – All data measurements are typical and made at room temperature unless otherwise noted.
  • THERMAL SHOCK RESISTANCE – Tests are run by quenching samples into water from various elevated temperatures. The change in temperature where a sharp decrease in flexural strength is observed is listed as ‘delta Tc’.
  • CHEMICAL RESISTANCE – Although all alumina and zirconia ceramics are highly resistant to chemical attack, it is recommended that specific applications are discussed with Almath Crucibles to ensure optimum ceramic selection.
Property Unit
Acid Resistance > 99.98%
Alkali Resistance > 97%
Temperature Resistance 1. For glazed type: 1050°C
2. For unglazed type: 1380°C
Wear Resistance < 0.03g/cm3
Moh’s Hardness 7 grade
Water Absorption Rate < 0.5%
Bulk Density 2.2-2.7g/cm3
Compressive Strength > 300 MPa
Breaking Strength > 40 MPa
Thermal Stability 1400°C to ambient temperature

View our full range of Porcelain products.

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